Agency Employee: Hello, state Unemployment agency.
George: Hello, I’d like to apply for Unemployment benefits.
Agency Employee: Okay, give me your address and I’ll send you an application.
George: How much can I get?
Agency Employee: That depends. Your benefits are Calculated based on your Quarterly earnings. You were Laid off from your job?
George: Yes, I was. I Qualify, don’t I?
Agency Employee: People who work Part-time jobs or are Self-employed aren’t Eligible. If you worked in a Full-time position, you should qualify. Fill out the application and we’ll let you know.
George: What else does the application ask for?
Agency Employee: You have To affirm that you’re able to work and that you’re Actively seeking employment.
George: I’m definitely doing that. I’ve been Meaning to ask you, are you Hiring?
Меню ресторана на английском языке.
At the butcher's.
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Applying for Unemployment Benefits