Using Renewable Energy
Carl: Uh! What’s that smell?
Jody: I’m working on my latest Invention. I’m turning our old food into an Energy source for our car and our house.
Carl: Why? There are already lots of types of Renewable energy that power cars and homes, and none of them smell like this!
Jody: Well, I think I’m onto a better alternative. Imagine being able To recycle your unwanted food into Fuel. That’s The wave of the future.
Carl: You mean you think that it would be more Efficient than Wind power and Solar energy? There are Geothermal and Hydroelectric power plants that already provide energy for lots of homes and businesses.
Jody: But I’m using food that would otherwise be Wasted.
Carl: I Hate to break it to you, but if you want To convert food into fuel, there are already different types of Biofuels that work pretty well.
Jody: You mean somebody has already Beaten me to the punch?
Carl: Yes, and I bet they’ve found a way to do it without this Stench!
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