Sonia: Hello, Fickle Property Management Company.
Frank: Hello, I own an office building on Broadway Boulevard and I’m interested in hiring a property management company.
Sonia: You’ve called the right place. We help you advertise your Vacant units, Show empty properties, and Screen prospective tenants.
Frank: The building is Partially occupied right now and I want to be sure that any new tenants are Financially sound.
Sonia: That’s why we require a Rental application with financial details and check their Credit history. We are very thorough.
Frank: Will you also Draw up the Rental agreement?
Sonia: Yes, we handle all of the rental details, including the Deposit and delivery of keys.
Frank: What if tenants have problems?
Sonia: We are On call 24/7 and will send out someone from our Maintenance department to deal with any problems.
Frank: This sounds like what I’m looking for. What is your Fee structure?
Sonia: Oh, our services are very reasonable.
Frank: When can you start?
Sonia: As soon as you sign an agreement with us.
Frank: Great. Can you email the agreement to me right now? The building has some Stopped-up toilets that need attention ASAP!
Topic about medicine.
Participle 1 2 упражнения.
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Using a Property Management Company