Упражнения “Причастие I и II” (с ответами)

1. Напишите следующие глаголы в форме причастий.

Причастие I Перфектное причастие I Причастие II






2. Распределите следующие предложения по группам.

The garden was full of children, laughing and shouting. (Сад был полон детей, смеющихся и кричащих.) Could you pick up the broken glass? (Ты не мог бы поднять разбитый стакан?) The woman sitting by the window stood up and left. (Женщина, сидевшая у окна, встала и ушла.) I walked between the shelves loaded with books. (Я прошел между полками, нагруженными книгами.) Be careful when crossing the road. (Будь осторожен, переходя дорогу.) Having driven 200 kilometers he decided to have a rest.

(Проехав 200 км, он решил отдохнуть.) If invited, we will come. (Если нас пригласят, мы придем.) I felt much better having said the truth. (Мне стало гораздо лучше, когда я сказал правду.) He looked at me smiling. (Он взглянул на меня, улыбаясь.) She had her hair cut. (Она подстригла свои волосы.) Built by the best architect in town, the building was a masterpiece. (Построенное лучшим архитектором города, здание было шедевром.) Not having seen each other for ages, they had much to talk about. (Не видя друг друга вечность, им было много о чем поговорить.)

Причастие I :

Перфектное причастие I :

Причастие II :

3. Объедините два предложения в одно, используя причастие I.

Н-р: He was jumping down the stairs. He broke his leg. – He broke his leg jumping down the stairs. (Он сломал ногу, прыгая вниз по лестнице.)

Tom was watching the film. He fell asleep. The pupils opened their textbooks. They looked for

the answer. Julia was training to be a designer. She lived in Milan for 3 years. They are vegetarians. They don’t eat meat. Jane was tidying up her bedroom. She found some old letters.

4. Объедините два предложения в одно, используя перфектное причастие I.

Н-р: He handed in his test. He had written all the exercises. – Having written all the exercises, he handed in his test. (Написав все упражнения, он передал свою контрольную.)

She went to her car and drove off. She had closed the door of the house. I sent him an SMS. I had tried phoning him many times. We moved to Florida. We had sold our cottage. His head was aching at night. He had studied all day. He knew all the goals by heart. He had seen that match several times.



Причастие I Перфектное причастие I Причастие II

Work working having worked worked

Read reading having read read

Leave leaving having left left

Go going having gone gone

Laugh laughing having laughed laughed


Причастие I : 1 – 3 – 5 – 9

Перфектное причастие I : 6 – 8 – 12

Причастие II : 2 – 4 – 7 – 10 – 11


Tom fell asleep watching the film. (Том уснул во время просмотра фильма.) The pupils opened their textbooks looking for the answer. (Ученики открыли учебники в поисках ответа.) Julia lived in Milan for 3 years training to be a designer. (Джулия жила в Милане 3 года, обучаясь на дизайнера.) Being vegetarians they don’t eat meat. (Будучи вегетарианцами, они не едят мясо.) Jane found some old letters tidying up her bedroom. (Джейн обнаружила старые письма, когда убиралась в своей спальне.)


Having closed the door of the house she went to her car and drove off. (Закрыв дома дверь, она пошла к машине и уехала.) Having tried phoning him many times I sent him an SMS. (Попытавшись дозвониться до него несколько раз, я отправил ему СМС.) Having sold our cottage we moved to Florida. (Продав свой коттедж, мы переехали во Флориду.) Having studied all day his head was aching at night. (Прозанимавшись весь день, его голова болела ночью.) Having seen that match several times he knew all the goals by heart. (Посмотрев этот матч несколько раз, он знал все голы наизусть.)

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Упражнения “Причастие I и II” (с ответами)