Types of Non-alcoholic Drinks
Asa: What can I get you to drink?
Elizabeth: I’ll have a glass of water, thanks.
Asa: Are you sure you don’t want something else? I have Soft drinks, Orange juice, Lemonade, and Fruit punch.
Elizabeth: No, thanks. I’m trying to cut back on my Sugar intake.
Asa: In that case, how about an Energy drink, Sports drink, or Bottled tea?
Elizabeth: No, really, I’m fine with water.
Asa: Ah, I bet you’d like some Tea or Coffee, right?
Elizabeth: No, all I want is a glass of water.
Asa: Okay, do you want Tap water or Bottled water, Flavored water or Carbonated?
Elizabeth: Do you mean to tell me you have all of those drinks in your refrigerator?
Asa: It Pays to own a Beverage company.
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