Driver: Ma’am, where would you like these suitcases?
Leona: The three Wheeled suitcases should go next to the bed, and the Garment bag should be Hung up In the closet. Where is my Expandable bag?
Driver: Do you mean this Duffel bag?
Leona: Yes. You can leave that right there. Hmm, where is my Carry-on? All I see is my Checked baggage. I thought I gave you my carry-on, too.
Driver: You did, ma’am, and it’s right here.
Leona: Oh, good. When can I expect my Trunk to arrive?
Driver: Your trunk? You had a trunk?
Leona: Yes, I had a trunk. Didn’t you see it at the airport?
Driver: Uh no, I must have Overlooked it.
Leona: You mean you Left behind my trunk?! Who knows what has Become of it by now!
Driver: I’m sure I’ll be able to find it and deliver it here to you.
Leona: I knew I should have used a Luggage forwarding service.
Driver: You might consider Traveling light next time, ma’am.
Leona: What did you say?!
Driver: Nothing! I’m going To fetch your trunk As we speak.
Leona: I should hope so!
Family relationship сочинение.
Топик first impression.
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