Russell: Hey, LeeAnn, you were an English Major, right?
LeeAnn: Yes.
Russell: Could you Proofread this for me?
LeeAnn: I don’t know. Do you want me to proof it for Content or for Structure?
Russell: For everything.
LeeAnn: So you’re asking me To fact check all of the Facts and figures and To parse each line to find any Spelling, Grammar, or Punctuation errors.
Russell: That’s right. I used the Spell check on it, but some Typos may have Slipped through. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were Riddled with other errors, too.
LeeAnn: Right. What about the Formatting?
Russell: Check that, too. You can Edit out the errors as you go along.
LeeAnn: You want me to proofread And edit it?
Russell: Sure, if you don’t mind.
LeeAnn: You do realize that this is a 400-page Document, right?
Russell: Is there a problem?
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Proofreading a Document