Grace: Did you already pay the Bills for this month?
Will: No, I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Why?
Grace: We got a Late notice from the credit card company. The notice says that they haven’t received the payment yet and it’s Past the due date. We are being charged a Late fee plus a Finance charge of 15%.
Will: Let me see that. That can’t be right. I paid the Minimum payment on the last bill. I Better call and talk to Customer service tomorrow. I’m sure it’s a Mix-up.
Grace: I really hope so. The last time we were late with the payment, I tried calling them and telling them that The check was in the mail, but they didn’t buy it.
Will: That’s different. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure I’ll Get it straightened out. Worse comes to worst, we’re only a month late. They won’t send the Collection Agency after us.
Grace: I know I can count on you to take care of it. I just don’t want this late payment to affect our Credit rating.
Will: Leave it to me. I’ll take care of it on Monday. It’s as good as done.
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Paying the Bills