Alice: I can’t hear you over that Hammering. When are these Renovations going to be done?
Dilbert: They’re already two weeks past the scheduled Completion date and I can only Guess at the Cost overruns.
Alice: It feels like they’re never going to finish.
Dilbert: I know. When the renovations were announced, I was glad to hear that the office would be Reconfigured for better use.
Alice: Me, too.
Dilbert: The Upgrades sounded good – new Lighting fixtures, Flooring, and Sound-deadening walls and Ceilings.
Alice: I was looking forward to an Updated look with new Built-ins. This old furniture shows lots of Wear and tear.
Dilbert: Yeah, now all I want is To be rid of all this Dust. Who can work with this Racket?
Alice: Heh? What did you say? Did you say you Can’t hack it? Me, neither!
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Making Office Renovations