Dad: Where are you going?
Eva: Out.
Dad: Out where?
Eva: Dad, I’m nearly a Grown woman. You don’t need to be so Overbearing. You give me The third degree every time I leave the house.
Dad: As long as you live Under my roof, you’ll Live by my rules. Now, where are you going?
Eva: I’m going over to Damien’s house To hang out. I’ll be home before Curfew.
Dad: I don’t like that guy, Damien. He’s Not good enough for you. He’s a Troublemaker. Mark my words: That kid is Going nowhere fast. Is this a date?
Eva: No, Dad, we’re just going to watch a movie.
Dad: Alone? With no Supervision? What is this world coming to?
Eva: Dad, we’re not kids anymore. We’re both 17.
Dad: That’s exactly the right age to get into the most trouble.
Eva: What are you doing?
Dad: I’m putting on my coat.
Eva: Why?
Dad: You and Damien need a Chaperon.
Eva: No way, Dad! I’m not going over to Damien’s with you Tagging along as our chaperon. That would be Humiliating.
Dad: Good, then you’ll stay home. So, what movie should we watch tonight?
Eva: Huh!
Топик школьная жизнь.
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