Advantages and disadvantages of living in private house
Топик Преимущества и недостатки жизни в частном доме приводит все “за” и “против” проживания в собственном доме. Владелец частного дома не зависит от мнения соседей, но должен заботиться сам о безопасности дома, сам следить за его состоянием и обязательно иметь автомобиль, чтобы добраться до города. Если не принимать во внимание эти факты, то жизнь в пригороде можно считать вполне приятной.
Living in detached house has disadvantages and advantages. In my opinion the most important advantage is independence. When you live in detached house you don’t need to worry about what your neighbours will tell when you throw a party with loud
Second advantage is a lot of place to live. In detached house usually you have more space than in block of flats. You have your own garden, you always have place to park your car, but you have to do everything yourself. You have to mow the lawn, to undercut trees, to fix everything in your home by your own. Of course you can hire someone who does these things but for some people it is serious disadvantage.
However, in detached house you can feel like in your own castle. Nobody disturbs you, but also nobody helps you too. You house usually is in the suburb. There is cleaner air and prettier environment then in the centre of cities where usually blocks of flats are built. In suburb, you need to have your own car, because usually there is no bus stop and you have to walk for a few kilometres to the nearest one.
I don`t live in detached house but I think it a good place to live and to my mind living there have more followers than opponents.

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