Annie: Why the Long face?
Luis: I don’t know. I guess I’m feeling a little Homesick.
Annie: I thought you got over that. I know the Adjustment was hard when you first got here, but I thought you were Coping pretty well.
Luis: I was. It’s just that the holidays are coming up and I won’t be able to go home because I can’t Afford the airfare. I’m just Longing for some of the Comforts of home, like my mom’s cooking and being around my family.
Annie: Yeah, it can get pretty Lonely over the holidays. When I first got here, I’d get Depressed and Nostalgic for anything that reminded me of home. But, you know, I think I was just seeing things through Rose-colored glasses.
Luis: What do you mean?
Annie: Well, things back home weren’t really that Idyllic, but from this distance, all I could think of was the good stuff and none of the bad.
Luis: I see what you mean, but I’m still Bummed out.
Annie: I have an idea. Why don’t we put on our own little holiday celebration? We can have it at my place and we can invite all of our friends who are On their own this time of year. We’ll each do something that’ll remind us of home. What do you say? Misery loves company, as they say.
Luis: You know, I could really go for that. You don’t mind all of the trouble?
Annie: What trouble? As long as I don’t have to cook, I’m Up for it.
Luis: Cool. I’ll ask around to see who else wants to come.
Annie: Okay. I’ll do the same.
Luis: Thanks. I’m feeling better already.
Безличные предложения в английском языке упражнения.
Предложения the past indefinite tense.
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Feeling Homesick