Brianna: Are you still here? I thought you left ages ago.
Viktor: There’s no rush. I’m thinking of Postponing until tomorrow.
Brianna: Why?
Viktor: I feel a sense of Foreboding. I have a Sneaking suspicion that things aren’t going to go well.
Brianna: Under the circumstances, I can understand your Reluctance, but it’s like Ripping off a bandage. It’s best done quickly.
Viktor: I’m not sure about that. I Have a feeling that things are going To go very, very wrong, and the longer I can Put it off the better.
Brianna: Next week is your girlfriend’s birthday. You don’t want To break up with her on her birthday, do you?
Viktor: No, that would be Cruel. Maybe I should Hold off until after next week.
Brianna: You’re really Dreading breaking up with her, aren’t you?
Viktor: She’s Got a temper. When I told her that I couldn’t join her on a visit to her parents’ house last weekend, she Went ballistic, and I have Dents in my car door To show for it. I expect this to be much, much worse.
Brianna: Ah, I see. I never liked the idea of breaking up with someone Remotely, but it might be Called for in this case.
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