Ella: It’s so exciting that you’ll be spending a month studying in McQuillanland this summer. When do you start Packing?
Marty: I’ve already started. The organizers of the program gave me a list of things I need to bring.
Ella: That’s really helpful.
Marty: Yeah. They say that it’s Essential that I bring both warm-weather and cold-weather clothes. The weather in McQuillanland is really Unpredictable.
Ella: Oh, I didn’t know that.
Marty: Yeah, and they say that it’s Advisable that I bring medications for every Malady I can think of because there are a lot of Health dangers.
Ella: Wow, I never knew that about McQuillanland.
Marty: Me, neither. And while it’s Optional, it’s also Suggested that I leave all of my Valuables at home. McQuillanland has a very high Crime rate and visitors are often Targeted.
Ella: Geez, that’s a lot To take in.
Marty: You’re telling me. And the list says that it is absolutely Required that I take a Self-defense course before going. You never know what to expect in McQuillanland.
Ella: You’re not Having second thoughts about going, are you?
Marty: No, why?
Healthy food.
Моя любимая картина.
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Essential and Optional Things