Rafael: Go away and stop following us. Our Club is for boys only.
Hannah: But I want To join.
Rafael: You do, huh? Did you know that to join our club, you have to go through an Initiation?
Hannah: Okay, I’ll do that. What do I have to do?
Rafael: You have To endure weeks of Hazing. We’ll be Putting you through your paces to make sure you’re club Material.
Hannah: I’m willing to do that. I can do anything you boys can do. Watch me!
Rafael: I’m not so sure. If you want to be One of the guys, you’ll have to do everything we tell you to do, even if you don’t want to.
Hannah: Everything?
Rafael: Yeah, everything. If we tell you to eat dirt, you have to eat dirt. If we tell you to stand outside in the rain, you have to do that, too. Get the picture?
Hannah: Yeah, I’ve got the picture.
Rafael: If we tell you To pull a prank, you have to do it. If we tell you To streak, you have to do that, too.
Hannah: You can’t be serious. That really Crosses the line.
Rafael: We decide what crosses the line and what doesn’t. See? I knew you’d be too Chicken to join our club.
Hannah: You’re right. I don’t want to join any club where the members are stupid enough to do all of those things. I’m starting my own club – one where you don’t have To humiliate yourself to get in.
Rafael: Suit yourself. I knew you weren’t club material.
Hannah: Thank goodness for that!
My best holiday.
My favourite book.
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Enduring Hazing