Eating on the Run

Sam: Wait a second. Is this all you’re having for lunch, this Microwaved burrito?

Leticia: That’s all I have time for. It’s better than just eating it Out of the package, right?

Sam: That does not look Appetizing. I see Indigestion in your future.

Leticia: It’s Filling and that’s all I care about. I need To gulp down something before the meeting at 1:00.

Sam: Why don’t you Brown bag it? Even if it’s something Premade, you won’t have to rely on Instant food.

Leticia: Who has the time to prepare a lunch? This burrito is actually more than I eat on most days. Normally, I Munch on candy bars or bags of chips and Forgo lunch Altogether.

Sam: That’s not very healthy.

Leticia: No, but it keeps me going when I’m On the run on busy days like this. I have a Stash in my desk. Do you want to take a look?

Sam: That collection makes Fast food look like Haute cuisine!

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Eating on the Run