Amina: Have you heard the latest news?
Shane: No, what is it?
Amina: Charlie was fired last Friday after the company found out that he had been Cooking the books for over six months and had Embezzled more than $50,000.
Shane: Charlie? I don’t believe it! He is the most Upstanding person I know. I can imagine him Stretching the truth now and then, but he’s the last person I would think of as being truly Dishonest. I would never think to question his Integrity.
Amina: It wasn’t Greed that made him do it. His wife has been ill and he couldn’t pay the medical bills. I think he had the Best of intentions in trying to get his wife the healthcare she needed, but it was Only a matter of time before he got caught, no matter how well he Covered his tracks.
Shane: Well, I know he’s a bad Liar and he’s not known to make mistakes, so I’m not surprised that someone Caught on pretty quickly when there were Irregularities in the accounting. What I don’t understand is, if he was having financial problems, why didn’t he tell anybody? Some of us may have helped.
Amina: I don’t know. Maybe he felt desperate and just didn’t know what to do. I’m sure his wife being sick has been difficult for him. I don’t think the company is going to Press charges, though, Under the circumstances.
Shane: I’m glad to hear that. That’s the last thing he needs. It’s clear that he showed poor Judgment, but he’s not a criminal.
Amina: That’s the General consensus. I’m thinking of Taking up a collection to help him out. Do you think the company would mind?
Shane: Considering he was fired, I’d keep it a secret from management, but I think it’s a great idea.
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