Describing Video Quality
Amelia: I wish we had hired a professional Videographer to film it instead of asking your friend Lenny to do it.
Victor: This video isn’t so bad. The Production quality isn’t the best, but he did a pretty good job.
Amelia: It’s not bad if you like your video Out-of-focus. There are no Transitions between Scenes and the Lighting is terrible. At best, it looks like a Rough cut.
Victor: It is a little rough, I admit.
Amelia: There are problems with the Audio, too. There are sections of Dead air when the audio Cuts out. And when there is audio, the Volume isn’t Uniform.
Victor: That’s true, too, I guess…
Amelia: And the Handheld camera footage is so Shaky that I feel ill watching it.
Victor: Lenny was just having a good time, Getting into the spirit of it.
Amelia: Is that why he got Close-up shots of all of the pretty women and none of the other guests?
Victor: Well, you know Lenny. He’ll do better next time.
Amelia: Next time?! How many times do you plan to get married?
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