Best riddles part 6

What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?

Ответ: Your breath.


What is a camel’s hair brush made of?

Ответ: Squirrel fur.


What is neither inside the house, outside the house, but no house is complete without it?

Ответ: Windows.


What is it that everyone always overlooks?

Ответ: One’s nose.


When is a baby not a baby?

Ответ: When it is a little cross.


What can be right but never wrong?

Ответ: A right angle.


What is full of holes and yet holds water?

Ответ: A sponge.


What is it that we often return but never borrow?

Ответ: Thanks.


With what do you fill a barrel to make it lighter than when it is empty?

Ответ: Holes.


What is always coming but never arrives?

Ответ: Tomorrow.


What increases the more you share it with others?

Ответ: Joy.


What is bought by the yard and worn by the foot?

Ответ: Carpet.


How long did the Thirty Years War last?

Ответ: Thirty Years, of course — from 1618 to 1648.


What is the hardest thing to about learning to ride a bike?

Ответ: The pavement.


Why is a crossword puzzle like a quarrel?

Ответ: Because one word leads to another.


Why is a bad cold like a great humiliation?

Ответ: Because it brings the proudest man to his sneeze.


Why is a schoolboy being paddled like your eye?

Ответ: Because he is a pupil under a lash.


What time is it when the clock strikes thirteen?

Ответ: Time to get a new clock.


What is black and white and red all over?

Ответ: An embarrassed zebra (not a newspaper which is \READ\).


What does everyone have that he can always count on?

Ответ: Your fingers.


What is that of which the common sort is best?

Ответ: Common SENSE.


What lives on its own substance and dies when it devours itself?

Ответ: A candle.


What is it that you must keep after giving it to someone else?

Ответ: Your word.


What starts with \e\ ends with \e\ and contains only one letter?

Ответ: An envelope!


What is the best thing to make in a hurry?

Ответ: Haste!


What is lengthened by being cut at both ends?

Ответ: A ditch.


What can be felt, yet has neither length, breadth, nor thickness?

Ответ: A kiss.


The more you take away from it the larger it becomes; the more you add to it, the smaller it becomes

Ответ: A hole in the ground.


What always remains down even when it flies up in the air?

Ответ: A feather.


What is it that you cannot hold even ten minutes, even though it is lighter than a feather?

Ответ: Your breath.


What always weighs the same, whether larger or smaller?

Ответ: A hole.


What is it that no one wishes to have yet no one wishes to lose?

Ответ: A bald head.


What does a woman look for while hoping not to find it?

Ответ: A hole or run in her stocking.


What is it that you find here, but you never have, yet often give up?

Ответ: A riddle.


Which room has no door, no windows, no floor and no roof?

Ответ: A mush room!


How might you be completely sleepless for 7 days and still not lack any rest?

Ответ: By sleeping at night.


What are drunk but never intoxicated?

Ответ: Toasts.


As long as I eat, I live. When I drink, I die

Ответ: Fire.


What is it that is put on the table, cut, and passed, but never eaten?

Ответ: A deck of cards.


When does a man cease to be a man?

Ответ: When he turns into a lane.


When is a man two men?

Ответ: When he is beside himself.


When is a woman not a woman?

Ответ: When she is a little pale.

What is it that every child spends much time making, yet no one can ever see it when it is made?

Ответ: Noise.


What is broken without being hit or dropped?

Ответ: A promise.


What stays hot longest in the refrigerator?

Ответ: Red pepper.


What do we all put off until tomorrow?

Ответ: Our clothes.


What lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with its root upward?

Ответ: An icicle.


If you see a counterfeit coin on the street, why should you pick it up?

Ответ: Because you may be arrested for passing it.


Why is an empty purse always the same?

Ответ: There is never any change in it.


Why is a lucky gambler so agreeable?

Ответ: Because he has such winning ways.


What day of the year is a command to go forward?

Ответ: March fourth.


When do women talk the least?

Ответ: In February, the shortest month of the year.


Why is everyone especially tired on April 1st?

Ответ: Because we have just finished a March of 31 days.


When is it particularly difficult to catch a train?

Ответ: When the train has already left.


Four jolly men sat down to play;
And played all night till break of day;
They played for money and not for fun,
With separate scores for every one.
Yet when they came to square accounts,
They all had made quite fair amounts!
Can you the paradox explain?
If no one lost, how could all gain?

Ответ: The Four men were musicians. After the performance they were all paid.


How can you eat and study at the same time?

Ответ: Eat alphabet soup.


What has eyes but can’t see?

Ответ: Potatoes.


What 8-letter word has one letter in it?

Ответ: Envelope.


What is hard to beat?

Ответ: A drum with a hole in it.

What driver doesn’t have a license?

Ответ: A screwdriver.


Why did the doctor switch jobs?

Ответ: He lost his (patience) patients.


What has 10 legs and drools?

Ответ: Quintuplets.


Where do old bowling balls end up?

Ответ: In the gutter.


What did one scale say to the other scale?

Ответ: You have a way (weigh) about you.


Did you ever see the salad dressing?

Ответ: No, but I saw the bacon strip.


What did the mayonnaise say to the mustard?

Ответ: Close the door, I’m dressing.


Why did the clock get sick?

Ответ: It was run down.


Why did the tree see the dentist?

Ответ: To get a root canal.


How do you prevent a summer cold?

Ответ: Catch it in the winter.


How much do mechanics charge to fix tires?

Ответ: It’s a flat rate.


Why do statues and paintings of George Washington always show him standing?

Ответ: Because he would never lie.


Why did you get rid of your watchdog?

Ответ: He could not tell time.


Why did Johnny toss a glass of water out the window?

Ответ: He wanted to see a water fall.


What paper makes you itch?

Ответ: Scratch paper.


What never gets any wetter no matter how hard it rains?

Ответ: The ocean.


What person is always in a hurry?

Ответ: One who is Russian (rushing).


What did one wall say to the other?

Ответ: Meet you at the corner.


Who always goes to bed with shoes on?

Ответ: A horse.


What is the first thing you do in the morning?

Ответ: Wake up.


If a child is spanked by his mother and by his father, who hurts the most?

Ответ: Probably the child.


What do people make that nobody can ever see?

Ответ: Noise.


What has a neck, but no head?

Ответ: A bottle.


What kind of table has no legs?

Ответ: A multiplication table.


What odd number becomes even when beheaded?

Ответ: The number seven (behead the \s\ and you have even).


What five letter word has six left after you take two letters away?

Ответ: Sixty (take away \ty\ and six is left).


Why is a horse like the letter \O\?

Ответ: Because \gee\ makes it go.


What is it that someone else has to take before you can get it?

Ответ: Your photograph.


How can you make a pearl out of a pear?

Ответ: Take off the letter \l\ in pearl.


What is at the head of fashion, but always out of date?

Ответ: The letter \f\.


What is the difference between an elephant and a flea?

Ответ: An elephant can have fleas, but a flea will never have an elephant.


What is the difference between a hill and a pill?

Ответ: A hill is hard to go up and a pill is hard to get down.


What is it that everyone requires, everyone gives, everyone asks and that very few take?

Ответ: Advice.


What has one foot on each side and one in the middle?

Ответ: A yardstick.


What goes from New York to California without moving?

Ответ: A highway.


Is it safe to write a letter on an empty stomach?

Ответ: Sure, but it is probably better to write the letter on paper.


Can you explain how long cows should be milked?

Ответ: The same way you milk short cows.


What is the best thing to put into cakes?

Ответ: Your teeth.


What kind of umbrella do most people carry on a rainy day?

Ответ: A wet one.


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Best riddles part 6