Being Spontaneous or Well-Planned
Mariela: Wow, it looks like you’re working on a big project. What are all these pages and pages of Notes for?
Will: I’m preparing for my date with Christine. I want everything to be Well-planned and to go Without a hitch.
Mariela: Okay, but I still don’t understand why you’re making such detailed plans.
Will: I want to be ready for every Contingency. For instance, I planned a picnic, but if it rains, I’ll take her to lunch at the Garden Cafe instead.
Mariela: Don’t you think you’re taking the Spontaneity out of your date? Why don’t you Play it by ear? I know you don’t like To fly by the seat of your pants, but maybe she’ll have some ideas about what she’d like to do.
Will: Oh, I’ve Taken her preferences into account. If she wants to do something Active, we can go bowling or take a long walk. If she prefers something more Passive, we’ll go to a movie.
Mariela: Well, it sounds like you’ve Mapped out every possible Alternative. Hey, what’s this?
Will: Give me that!
Mariela: I see you’ve mapped out more than just your date. You mapped out the entire Trajectory of your life together: Get married in two years, have your first child two years after that…
Will: That is not Meant for you. And plus, it’s just a Tentative plan…
Mariela: You mean Christine will Have some say in it?
Will: I may let her pick our children’s names. Now, get out of here, Will ya?!
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