Lynn: I’ve been trying to help Monica find an apartment, but it’s impossible to find anything Affordable on this side of town and near her work. The only thing that’s within her Budget would require a 50-minute Commute each way!
Santiago: I know. It’s become really ridiculous. I’m reading an article about how the Income gap between the rich and the poor in this country is getting wider and wider. Poverty is the worst it’s ever been in cities like L. A., while you see Affluence everywhere.
Lynn: I know I Poor-mouth sometimes, but at least I can Afford the basic Necessities.
Santiago: Yeah, I do the same thing. I feel like such a Hypocrite sometimes. The other day, I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn’t afford the fancy new car I wanted. My old car isn’t that old! I’ve only had it for five years and it still works, most of the time. I forget about people who don’t have a car and are living on Food stamps.
Lynn: Me, too. Looking for an apartment with Monica has really Put things into perspective for me. The next time I complain about not having enough money for a pair of new shoes or to take a vacation, remind me of the great Inequities of this world, will you?
Santiago: Sure, only if you’ll do the same for me when I try to tell you that I really need that flat-screen TV.
The life of teenager.
Food topic.
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