Hans: Well, I think the choice is clear. I think we should hire Clark.
Freddie: To me, the choice is clear, too, but I think that choice is Paul. Both Paul and Clark are qualified for the job, but Clark is a Blowhard. He was too Full of himself.
Hans: Clark may Come off as a little Overconfident, but he makes a good impression. He would make a much better rep than Paul. Paul was just too Low-key and Timid.
Freddie: Paul wasn’t timid at all. He was Modest and Self-deprecating, but he also had a Quiet confidence. He wasn’t trying too hard To impress, like Clark was.
Hans: Clark is the kind of person who Stands out In a room and gets noticed. That’s what we want in a rep trying to get new clients.
Freddie: I found Clark to be Overbearing. Paul, on the other hand, Had a way with him. He Exuded confidence without having To resort to blowing his own horn.
Hans: I see we’re At loggerheads about this. What do you suggest?
Freddie: Let’s ask them both to lunch and ask Monique to join us. She’s done a lot of hiring and has good judgment.
Hans: You mean you want Monique To make the call so neither of us will be blamed for picking the wrong person.
Freddie: I always thought you were Quick on the uptake.
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Being Modest and Boastful