My wife and I bought a Vacation package and we thought that it included everything. We should have Double-checked that it included Airport transfer to our hotel as well. Hindsight is 20/20, they say.
My wife wanted to take a Taxi, but I Nixed that idea. It would Cost an arm and a leg. I wanted a cheaper Option so we went to ask about it at the airport information desk.
Don: Hello, my wife and I need to get to our hotel downtown. What are our options?
Clerk: Well, you could take a taxi.
Don: We’re hoping to find a cheaper option.
Clerk: Okay, in that case, a Limo service would Be out, too. There are private Shuttle services, but since you’re so far from downtown, you’ll be making a lot of Stops and it will take a long time to get there. You could also take Public transportation – the Bus or the Subway – but that’ll take even longer. Doesn’t your hotel have a Courtesy shuttle?
Don: I never thought of that.
Clerk: Many downtown hotels do. Call your hotel and they’ll be able to tell you. They’ll probably have the best suggestion on how to get there, too, if they don’t have their own shuttle. If you decide on a private shuttle service or to take public transportation, come back and I’ll give you more information.
Don: Thanks a lot. I’ll give the hotel a call right now.
Lucky for us, the hotel had a courtesy shuttle and it was On its way. Good thing, too, since I didn’t Relish spending any more time at the airport after a long Red-eye!
Vegetarian тема.
London public transport текст.
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