Catherine: Do you have a Draft of the Guest list? We need to get the Invitations out next week.
Ralph: It’s not quite done yet. I keep Going back and forth about a few people I’m not sure about, like Lacy Say.
Catherine: Lacy Say? She’s a Has-been. She hasn’t been in a movie for years. We only want people on the A-list at this party.
Ralph: What about Jess McGillan? I’m On the fence about him.
Catherine: He’s definitely a D-lister. This party is very Exclusive and we don’t want any D-listers Rubbing elbows with VIPs.
Ralph: I understand that, but what if we don’t get enough A-listers to come?
Catherine: That will not happen. This party has to be a success!
Ralph: And if we don’t have enough guests because we’ve Excluded so many D-list Celebrities?
Catherine: There will always be Gatecrashers. We can let in a few To buff up the numbers, If push comes to shove.
Ralph: What happens to the exclusivity of the party if that happens?
Catherine: If that happens, this party has Bombed and I don’t care if we even let in podcasters!
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An Exclusive Guest List