Airport Announcements
I was walking through the airport to Gate 11 to catch my flight when I heard this announcement:
“Attention passengers on English Air flight 232 to Boise. The Departure gate Has been changed. The flight will now be leaving from Gate 26.”
That was my flight! I looked at the Flight information monitors, turned around, and walked in the Opposite direction. As I was Approaching Gate 26, there was another announcement:
“This is an announcement for passengers on flight 232 to Boise. The flight has been Delayed due to bad weather conditions. The Flight crew has arrived at the gate, but the Ground crew is still De-icing the Wings of the Aircraft. Our new Departure time Is 10:50 AM.”
I thought the Gate agent was done, but she had another announcement to make:
“I’m afraid that flight 232 is Overbooked. We’re looking for passengers who are willing to take a later flight in exchange for a Travel voucher worth $300. Any passenger who is interested should see an agent at Gate 26.”
Oh, no, I thought. I hope I don’t get Bumped from this flight. Fortunately, a few minutes later, I heard this. It was Music to my ears.
“We are now ready for Boarding.”
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