Xavier: How’s your Novel coming along?
Sara: It’s not. I Abandoned it for now. I think I Bit off more than I can chew. Now, I’m working on a short story.
Xavier: That sounds interesting. Who are the main Characters?
Sara: I’m not sure yet. Character development is really important so I need to give the characters themselves some serious thought.
Xavier: Okay, tell me about the general Plot. Is it an Adventure, romance, horror story – what?
Sara: I haven’t decided that either.
Xavier: All right. What about the Setting? Is it going to be set in the U. S.?
Sara: Hmm, that’s still Up in the air, too. I’m thinking of writing a Period story, but I’m not sure what time period to choose. That’ll help decide the actual setting.
Xavier: I’m guessing you haven’t decided the Point of view of the story either, whether it’ll be told in the First person or Third person, am I right?
Sara: You are. I know. I have a lot to think about.
Xavier: You’ve definitely Got your work cut out for you.
Sara: I know. I’m just waiting for some Inspiration.
Xavier: Good luck with that.
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Writing a Story