Jamaica: I need To raise some cash right away. I’m thinking of Hocking a few things. You’ve used the Pawnshop down the street before, right?
Nolan: Yeah, a few years ago when I lost my job. I needed a Short-term loan to tide me over until I could find a new one.
Jamaica: Is the place Legit?
Nolan: It seemed to be. I have no Complaints.
Jamaica: That’s good. How would I go about pawning something?
Nolan: It’s pretty simple. You bring the Pawnbroker something that’s worth money to use as Collateral and then you get a loan for a Fraction of its Value. Then, you have 90 days To repay the loan, plus interest and fees.
Jamaica: How do I Redeem my item?
Nolan: You just show them your Pawn ticket.
Jamaica: That sounds pretty simple. What if I can’t repay the money by the deadline?
Nolan: Then you Forfeit your item. The pawnshop tries to sell it To recoup the money they lent you.
Jamaica: Okay, I’m going to do it. I’m going to pawn my Collection.
Nolan: Your collection of what?
Jamaica: Action figures. I have the entire collection of ESL Podcast action figures. There’s Jeff, Lucy, Warren, Jessica, Adriano, Pao, LeeAnn, Alison
Nolan: I said something worth money, remember?
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Using a Pawnshop