Robert: Hi, I’m Robert. What are you In the market for today?
Mary: I want to buy a new car, but I’m not sure what I want.
Robert: Well, you’ve come to the right place. We have a very large selection of cars and Trucks – Just about any type of Vehicle you can think of. Why don’t I show you around?
Mary: Okay, that would be great.
Robert: Over here, we have some nice Compacts and Mid-size cars. We have 2-door or 4-door Sedans, Coupes, and Hatchbacks. We even have this beautiful Convertible sports car. What do you think?
Mary: It’s very nice, but I want something a little bigger for my family.
Robert: Okay, No sweat. Walk this way and you’ll see our Station wagons, Mini-vans, and SUVs. These Seat anywhere from six To 10 people. We even have Pickups.
Mary: I’m not sure if any of these will fit my family?
Robert: How many children do you have?
Mary: Eleven.
Robert: Eleven? In that case, you might want to buy two!
Book is our life.
What time is it упражнения.
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