Paul: I need a new Cell phone plan. These Roaming and Overage charges are killing me!
Shauna: I thought you had a good calling, Messaging, and Data plan.
Paul: I do, but I’m still Going over each month.
Shauna: Have you thought about a Prepaid plan? You’ll never be charged extra.
Paul: That’s not an option. I think I need an Unlimited plan.
Shauna: Okay, but I don’t understand. Why do you have roaming charges? Doesn’t your Carrier have good Coverage all over the country?
Paul: I’ve been taking trips to Mexico to see my new girlfriend and the coverage doesn’t Extend to Mexico.
Shauna: Oh, I see. And the overage charges?
Paul: When you’re in a long-distance relationship, you have to do a lot of calling and Texting, not to mention updating Social media websites to stay in touch. I keep Exceeding my Allotted 5000 minutes of calling time and 100 Megabytes of data.
Shauna: What?! To exceed that, you’d have to be on the phone all the time!
Paul: Not all the time, but I’m talking to her now. Do you want to say “hi”?
Shauna: You’ve been on the phone with her the entire time we’ve been having this conversation?
Paul: How else can we Keep up on everything that’s going on in each other’s lives?
Моя учительница английского языка на английском.
One of my bad habits that i have.
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