Reporting the News

I have always wanted to be a News reporter. When I was about 10 years old, I would write my own news stories and Publish them in my own newspaper. In reality, the newspaper was just a piece of paper on which I’d written my stories and drew my pictures, but it was My first taste of the power of the Press.

When I got to college, I worked on the university newspaper and started out as a Copy editor, Editing stories and writing Headlines. Then, I began To cover news events, getting my first Bylines. I can’t tell you how excited I was to see my name In print for the first time!

Since then, I’ve worked at several newspapers. I started out at the bottom, writing Obituaries and News briefs. Then, I got a regular Beat and wrote some Features and Investigative reports. I’ve even written the occasional Editorial.

What next? You never know in the newspaper business, but I’m Shooting for a Pulitzer!

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Reporting the News