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Значение идиомы draw up
[draw up] {v.} 1. To write in its correct form; put in writing.
The rich man had his lawyers draw up his will so that each of his children would receive part of his money when he died.
2. To plan or prepare; begin to write out.
The two countries drew up a peace treaty after the war ended.
Plans are being drawn up for a new school next year.
Compare: WRITE UP.
3. To hold yourself straight or stiffly, especially because you are proud or angry.
When we said that Mary was getting fat, she drew herself up angrily and walked out of the room.
4. To stop or come to a stop.
The cowboy drew up his horse at the top of the hill.
A big black car drew up in front of the house.
Syn.: PULL UP.

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