Jon: Wait! What are you doing with that Squishy tomato?
Marta: I’m Tossing it. It’s no good anymore.
Jon: I’ll take it, and I’ll take that Stale bread, too.
Marta: Stop! You can’t Fish that out of the Trash.
Jon: I’m trying to do my part to reduce Food waste. Tired vegetables are still okay to eat, as are Bruised fruit.
Marta: Fine, but not once they’ve been Discarded. Stay out of my trash.
Jon: What are you going to do with this Graying meat?
Marta: I was going to throw that out, too.
Jon: I’ll take it. I’m sure I can make something Edible with it.
Marta: You can’t be serious. I’m all for Doing my part, but I Draw the line at eating Spoiled meat.
Jon: It’s not spoiled. It’s just Beyond the Peak of freshness.
Marta: Well, Be my guest. You can have all of this food.
Jon: And to show my thanks, I’ll invite you over to lunch tomorrow.
Marta: Thanks, but no thanks.
What time is it упражнения.
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- Fast-food receipt leads to supersized fine for Thornlie manA Thornlie man is probably not lovin’ McDonald’s after his fast-food splurge came back to bite him. Samuel Michael Gossage was fined $10,000 after a fast food receipt was used to trace him and subsequently charge the 27-year-old with illegal dumping in a national park. Mr Gossage was hit with the supersized fine in the ... Читать далее...
Reducing Food Waste