Julio: Hi, Aunt Louisa, it’s Julio.
Paula: …And Paula. I’m on the Extension in the kitchen.
Julio: Anyway, we just wanted to call and wish you a Speedy recovery. Get plenty of Bed rest and Take it easy. Avoid Greasy or Spicy foods and drink lots of liquids. You don’t want to become Dehydrated.
Paula: Don’t listen to him. You need To stay active and not Get in the habit of sitting around. You’ll recover faster if you get up and move around a lot.
Julio: That’s terrible advice. She needs rest and to eat right. You know what they say: “Feed a cold, starve a fever.”
Paula: What does that old Adage have to do with anything? What you need, Aunt Louisa, is To alternate between a Heating pad and an Ice pack.
Julio: What are you talking about? Aunt Louisa has a bad Cold.
Paula: What?! I thought she had a Sore back!
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Recovering from an Illness or Injury