Celeste: Did the mail come?
Anwar: Yes, you got some Letters and a Package.
Celeste: Oh, I hope that one of those Envelopes has the photos Naomi promised us. Did you notice the Postmark?
Anwar: No, but they’re sitting in the hall.
Celeste: Those photos are Overdue and should have been Delivered days ago. Naomi thought she might not have put enough Postage on the envelope, but I thought it must have been Misdelivered.
Anwar: You can look at it yourself. The package you received was sent using Overnight delivery.
Celeste: I wonder who sent it and why they sent it using Expedited service.
Anwar: I don’t know. Why don’t you go look?
Celeste: I wonder if there’s anything Perishable in it or that’s Time-sensitive in some way.
Anwar: I have no idea. There’s also a letter that’s been Forwarded from our old address that has Delivery confirmation.
Celeste: Oh, I wonder what that could be.
Anwar: You know what?
Celeste: What?
Anwar: All of those Mysteries can be solved if you just go and open your mail.
Celeste: I know, but isn’t it more fun To speculate?
My plans for the future топик с переводом.
Американская еда перевод текста.
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Receiving Letters and Packages in the Mail