I thought I would save time by purchasing my airline ticket online and Checking in at the airport with my E-ticket. I Went onto the McQ Air website and selected my flights. The Screen then Prompted me to pay with a credit card. After I typed in my payment information, I got a Confirmation receipt with my Ticket number and my Itinerary. I Printed out a copy of my e-ticket and I was ready to go – easy!
But when I got to the airport, it was a different story. I Went up to a Self-serve kiosk and Swiped my credit card To bring up my account. The computer said that it couldn’t find my account. I Flagged down an employee and she didn’t have any better luck, suggesting I stand in line at the Check-in counter.
I got in the long line and 45 minutes later, the employee helped me check in and gave me my Boarding pass. When I asked her what the problem was, she said she didn’t know and it was probably just a Glitch in their computer system.
Well, tHe best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, especially if technology is involved!
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Линкольн биография на английском.
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Purchasing and Using an E-Ticket