Becky: I want to thank all of you for coming today. I think we all agree that we need to organize a Protest…
Pedro: Hold on, Becky. We all want To voice our opinion that we Oppose what is going on here, but I’m not sure a protest is the answer.
Becky: With all due respect, Pedro, I think a Rally is the best way to do that.
Pedro: That may be, but I think we need to consider a few things first. Taking to the streets means Coordinating a lot of people. That means getting them To show up, To march, and To hold up signs. I’m not sure we have enough time To pull it all off.
Becky: Don’t get me wrong. I’m not In favor of doing anything Half-assed. If we decide to protest, we want to do it right so that we get a lot of Media coverage. I’m confident that we have enough people and time to get it all done.
Pedro: Okay, but another thing we should be ready for is a Counter protest. The other side isn’t going To take things lying down.
Becky: You’re right, and we’ll take that into consideration. Is there any more discussion before we start on the planning? No? Okay, Let’s get down to business.
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Planning a Protest