Negotiating With a Street Vendor
Sean: Just look at the quality of that. You won’t find a finer one anywhere.
Patrice: It’s nice, but it’s more than I want To spend.
Sean: Okay, just for you, I’ll Knock off 10%. What do you say?
Patrice: I think it’s still too Pricey. I think I’ll Pass.
Sean: Wait! Don’t be so Hasty. What you have there is a One-of-a-kind item. You don’t want To pass up something this special.
Patrice: I’ll think about it…
Sean: How about if I Throw in a second one for the same price, a Two-for-one offer?
Patrice: I thought you said this was one-of-a-kind.
Sean: Did I? I meant to say that there aren’t many out there like it. I just happen to have two. How about it?
Patrice: I think I’ll shop around first.
Sean: This offer is only Good right now, so don’t walk away.
Patrice: Like I said, I’ll think about it…
Sean: All right. Name your price. Make me a Reasonable offer and I’ll let you have it.
Patrice: How about 30% off?
Sean: That’s Highway robbery! I’m just a Street vendor trying To make a living here.
Patrice: Take it or leave it.
Sean: All right, you have a deal. You Drive a hard bargain. You wouldn’t be looking for a job, would you?
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