Last week, I was at a business Luncheon and I met a woman Named Dana Okri who was Heading a new Start up. I have been a Sales rep for Eureka Corp. for three years now and our Bread and butter is Data management software. I told her briefly about our products over lunch and she had given me her Card.
I decided to Follow up with a call. I dialed her Direct line and fortunately, I Got a hold of her on the first try.
Dana: Hello, Dana Okri.
Kevin: Hello, Dana, this is Kevin Abrahams from Eureka Corp. I don’t know if you’ll remember me but We met last week at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon.
Dana: Oh, yes. Hi, how are you?
Kevin: Great. Do you have a few minutes right now for me to tell you a little bit more about the data management tools our company has to offer? It won’t Take long.
Dana: Actually, I’m really Swamped right now and I’ll be going into a meeting in a few minutes. Is there any Literature you can send me?
Kevin: Oh, sure, I understand. I’d be happy to send you a Promotional packet about the programs that I think might best Suit a company your size. Would it be okay if I called again to see if you have any questions?
Dana: Let’s do this. Since I’m not sure when I’ll get a chance to read the material, why don’t I give you a call if I have any questions. Now, I’m really sorry, but I have to Get going to this meeting.
Kevin: No problem at all. I won’t Keep you any longer. I’ll put a package to you in the mail and we’ll Go from there.
Dana: Sounds good.
Kevin: Thanks for your time.
Dana: No problem. Bye, bye.
My favourite day of week.
Чудеса света на английском языке с переводом.
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Making a Sales Call