Eileen: What are you doing with all that Band equipment?
Dex: The guys in the band are planning a Reunion. It’s time for our Comeback. It will be the Stuff of legends!
Eileen: Aren’t you afraid of being called Has-beens after all these years?
Dex: Bite your tongue. There is a Groundswell of support for this reunion and we’re not going to disappoint the Fans.
Eileen: Groundswell? Are you referring to that local news article about One-hit wonders asking, “Where are they now?”
Dex: There was a lot of good response to my quote about our possible reunion. After a 20-year Hiatus, I think fans are ready for more music from us. It should lead to a Tour.
Eileen: Resurrecting your music career might be harder than you guys think.
Dex: Stop being such a Killjoy. This reunion could lead to an entire new generation of fans.
Eileen: Or you could become the Laughingstock of the music world.
Dex: Okay, that’s enough. You’re officially out of the band.
Eileen: I didn’t know I was in the band.
Dex: I had considered making you a Backup singer, but I can’t deal with your Negativity.
Eileen: Oh, poor me. I’ll never find Stardom.
Dex: You’ve had your chance!
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Making a Comeback