Julio: Mom, don’t you think it’s time To get rid of some of the stuff in this house?
Mom: Why? This house is fine the way it is.
Julio: There are parts of this house that are nearly Inaccessible. There are Stacks of magazines and bags and boxes everywhere.
Mom: I need all that stuff. You know I’ve always been a Pack rat.
Julio: I know, but I think things are Getting out of hand. You have stuff on every Surface and you can’t find anything in here.
Mom: You can’t find anything, but I can Put my hands on anything I want at any time. I Collect and keep useful things, unlike you young people these days who throw away Perfectly good things just because you don’t need them this minute.
Julio: I think your Hoarding is becoming Compulsive.
Mom: That’s nonsense. Just because you prefer living in a Sterile environment doesn’t mean I have to. I don’t mind a little Clutter.
Julio: A little clutter?! You have Junk mail from 15 years ago!
Mom: You never know when something will Come in handy. Now, don’t you have some room in your garage where I can Store a few extra boxes?
Julio: No, I don’t!
Компьютер в моей жизни.
Диалог мои друзья.
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Living With a Hoarder