Diane: I’m so Exasperated! I’m really tired of the Homeowner’s association in my condo building.
Ricardo: What’s the matter with it?
Diane: The people who sit on the condo association board are a bunch of Do-nothings. I’ve filed Complaint after complaint and they refuse To enforce the House rules.
Ricardo: Well, that might not be so bad. I used to live in a Co-op in New York City. The Board of directors in my building was constantly issuing Violations to the Shareholders and we were fined for the smallest Infraction. It was a nightmare. What kinds of complaints have you been filing?
Diane: I’ve been complaining about my noisy neighbors. They have parties every weekend. The board said it sent letters to them, but nothing has changed.
Ricardo: That’s a tough one. It’s often hard to get people to quiet down.
Diane: That’s not all. The Common areas aren’t well maintained, and they’re often dirty or in need of repair.
Ricardo: That’s too bad…
Diane: And, the Clubhouse is always busy with board events when I want To reserve it.
Ricardo: That’s frustrating…
Diane: You bet it is. And, what’s more…
Ricardo: Whoa. I think I have a solution for you.
Diane: What?
Ricardo: Move!
Перевод слова cross the.
Краткая биография толстого на английском.
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Living in a Condo or Co-op