Just wanted to check out that you gnarly dudes are using the latest and greatest software technology fer yer rad code to make it easy for the dudes who have to read it. The hip new way to write readable C code involves the use of a few simple defines.
#define like { #define man ;} #define an ; #define SayBro /* #define CheckItOut */
SayBro like, this is some rad program, so CheckItOut
Like a = b an c = d man
SayBro, like who needs help from them compiler choads anyway? THIS is the way to write CLEAR code. I mean really! CheckItOut
Like SayBro this is ShellSort straight out of the white book, but in a readable form.
CheckItOut man
#define YoDude for( #define OK ) #define is = #define AND && #define as #define Do #define long #define some #define make #define garbage #define FAROUT
Shell(v, n) SayBro sort v[0]…v[n-1] into increasing order CheckItOut int v[], n;
Like int gap, i, j, temp;
YoDude gap is n/2 an as long as gap > 0 Do some garbage an make gap /=2 OK YoDude i is gap an as long as i < n Do some garbage an make i++ OK YoDude j is i — gap an as long as j >= 0 AND v[j] > v[j+gap] Do some garbage an make j -= gap OK like temp is v[j] an v[j] is v[j+gap] an v[j+gap] is temp man FAROUT man
SayBro like, B there OB square! CheckItOut
The internet.
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