Jerome: Congratulations! I just heard that you’re Pregnant with Twins.
Paula: Thanks. We’re very excited, although I’m a little worried about a Multiple birth.
Jerome: I Come from a long line of multiple births. My father is an Identical twin and he had cousins who are Fraternal twins.
Paula: I see what you mean.
Jerome: That’s not even the half of it. My Maternal grandmother gave birth to Triplets and my aunt had Quadruplets.
Paula: Wow, multiple births certainly Run in your family. What about your Immediate family?
Jerome: You’re not going to believe this, but my mother had Octuplets. I have seven brothers and sisters the same age.
Paula: And all of you Survived?
Jerome: Yup, Every single one of us. We often joke that my mother didn’t have babies. She had a Litter!
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Giving Birth to Twins