Jaime: I don’t know what’s wrong with Liam lately. The guy is Short-tempered and Jumps down my throat about every little thing.
Debra: [laughs]
Jaime: What’s so funny?
Debra: I have a feeling that he’s not getting enough sleep.
Jaime: You don’t mean you and Liam…
Debra: No way! It’s just that the women in this office are Paying him back for the way he’s Treated them, Two-timing Them and Leading them on.
Jaime: Are you serious?
Debra: Yeah, there are quite a few women with An axe to grind and wouldn’t mind Getting even with him. You’re not going to tell him, are you?
Jaime: No, I won’t, but what are you doing exactly?
Debra: We’re all taking turns keeping him up at night by calling his home phone and his cell phone, and we’re also ordering food to be delivered At all hours Of the night. It’s no wonder he’s feeling a little Grouchy.
Jaime: That explains it. It’s No skin off my nose, but isn’t that Going overboard?
Debra: Not in the least. If you knew some of the Rotten things he’s done, you’d know that it’s no more than he Deserves.
Jaime: If you say so. It’s certainly a good reminder that, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
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Getting Revenge