Dad: Where have you been? Do you know what time it is?
Caitlin: I’m sorry, Dad. I Lost track of time.
Dad: Lost track of time? We’ve been Worried sick about you. You were Supposed to come Straight home after school.
Caitlin: I know, but Janet was showing me something in her Locker when a fight Broke out in the Hallway. The Vice principal, Mr. Lopez, finally came out and Broke it up.
Dad: That still doesn’t explain why you’re late. And, I don’t want any Excuses.
Caitlin: Well, one of the guys in the fight was Dan, Janet’s brother. Mr. Lopez called their parents and I waited with her until they got there.
Dad: I never liked Dan. He’s trouble. I don’t want you Hanging around with him.
Caitlin: I don’t. I’m friends with Janet, not her brother. I didn’t do anything wrong.
Dad: Oh, really? You missed Curfew last week and now you’re late again. Just wait until your mother hears about this. You’re Grounded for a week.
Caitlin: Dad! That’s not fair! None of my friend’s parents are as Strict as you are.
Dad: That’s enough. I won’t have you Talking back to me. Now, Go to your room.
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Getting Home Late from School