Finding a Niche in Business
Hello, business students. I’m here today At your professor’s request to talk to you about the importance of finding your own Niche in business. Conventional wisdom says that people in business need To diversify their Skill sets so that they can be the most flexible in whatever field they decide to enter. While there is some truth to this, that’s only Half of the picture.
Those who diversify too much Run the risk of being a Jack of all trades and master of none. Not having a focused set of skills may also be seen as Indecisive from the standpoint of a potential employer, and your application may Fall by the wayside as a result. Having a niche will help you Stand out in the crowd.
In business, it’s a Balancing act between having the general skills that any company will want, and also possessing specialized skills that will make you The go-to person in your organization. Keep this in mind and you’ll Go far.





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