Диалог на английском языке с переводом “You have to walk a dog every day”
Tania | Why is your dog whining and looking at you so expectantly? |
Barry | It’s the time of day. He always does that around now. |
Tania | What does he want? |
Barry | He wants me to take him out for a walk. |
Tania | Are you going to? |
Barry | Oh yes, but I like to tease him a bit by pretending not to notice. |
Tania | Do you take him out every day? |
Barry | Of course, You have to walk a dog every day because it needs the exercise to stay healthy. |
Walk a dog – выгуливать собаку
I Walk my dog each evening around my local streets.
Я каждый вечер Выгуливаю собаку около дома.





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