Describing One’s Skill Level

Elaine: Welcome to your first day as an Intern in our company office. Let me show you around. This is the main office area with a Cubicle for each employee. Are you pretty good with computers?

Tony: Actually, my computer knowledge is pretty Basic. The only thing I’m Adept at is videogames. I’m not Up to snuff on actually doing work on one.

Elaine: Okay, well you should be Proficient by the end of your internship. Over there is where we keep the Photocopier and Fax machine. Have you used them before?

Tony: I’m an Expert on the copier. I can use it with One hand tied behind my back. I’m particularly good at photocopying Body parts.

Elaine: Uh, great.

Tony: But the fax…I’ve only used one once and I never quite Mastered it.

Elaine: I’m sure you’ll Get the hang of it pretty quickly. And this is the Break room. You have your standard refrigerator and Vending machines.

Tony: Hey, I’m really good with vending machines. That’s one machine I Know inside and out.

Elaine: How could I have guessed that the one thing you really Excel at is working the vending machine?

My future profession doctor.
Топик sport in our life.

Describing One’s Skill Level