Rona: This is impossible. I’m never going to hit the Target. Why is it that I’m the only one in this Archery class who has no Aim?
Leonardo: You’re doing fine. I can tell you’re new to this. It takes some practice to develop any Precision.
Rona: But you seem to be Picking it up quickly.
Leonardo: I’m taking this class as a Refresher. My father taught me The rudiments of archery when I was a kid and I thought I would Take it up again.
Rona: You’re really good. You’ve hit the Bullseye three times already.
Leonardo: I’m using a much more Forgiving bow than you are. If I aim for the target, I can usually get the Arrow in the neighborhood of the bullseye.
Rona: You’re just trying to make me feel better. I’m hitting Wide of the mark Every time!
Leonardo: I think your arms are too Tense and that tension is ruining your Accuracy. Here, let me help you.
Rona: Watch out. With my aim, I could Take you out.
Leonardo: I’ll Take my chances.
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