One of my favorite Hang-outs is a cafe near where I live called Bolivar in Santa Monica. It’s only five minutes Away, and its never too busy to find a table. Sometimes it can be Bustling, but that’s usually just in the morning during Rush hour or at Lunchtime. The owners are from Venezuela, and always have some cool music playing in the background.
Yesterday, I decided to take my New York Times and my laptop and Kill a few hours there. I ordered The usual. I’m a Regular, the folks there know I want a Vanilla Latte with a double Shot of espresso, Hold the whipped cream. Sometimes I’ll order a Coffee cake if I’m feeling a little hungry. The cafe also has Soup and sandwich menu you can order off of.
Cafes are great for People watching. Sometimes I just sit and watch the people come and go. You get all Types at this cafe. Yesterday, for example, a mother comes in with her three daughters, and one of the little girls ordered a latte! This being Los Angeles, you have your typical mix of Screenwriters, Out-of-work actors, and various Hollywood Wannabes. They make for a colorful mix most of the time. Me, I just sit and read my paper. I’m no actor, but someday I would like to Direct
At the doctor's.
Компьютер в моей жизни.
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Cafe Living